Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Hello everyone,

Today, I am not going to put all of Proverbs 3 up, but I wanted to look a little bit more closely at a couple of texts. The main focus of Chapter 3, is the promise that following God's wisdom brings blessings into your life. It admonishes the Christian to put FULL confidence in the Lord. No matter what the world is tell us, what may happen today, or the memories of our past, Solomon reminds us VICTORY and BLESSINGS come by following God's Counsel completely. Does this mean I have to be a Legalist or follow God on demanding rules that MUST be obeyed to be successful? To follow orders blindly with no deviation? Does this mean that I won't get blessed if I don't serve Him?

Solomon answers all of these questions and many more. Let's take a deeper look into what Solomon means:

Proverbs 3:5,6 - " Trust in the Lord with ALL thy heart, and lean not to thy own understanding. In ALL your ways... Acknowledge HIM and HE will make your path straight.

This verse is a cornerstone for Christians and has been expounded on and studied for centuries. This is because this verse highlights probably one of the best virtues of trusting God and being a Christian. It reminds us that, before we even start a task, assignment, job, or any any type of plan, God promises us a successful outcome. It doesn't matter what your career is, what your personal goals are, or plans you may have for your family. If your plans are noble and true, trusting in the Lord with ALL your heart, will allow God to bless your endeavors.

But what if I am a CHRISTIAN, and I seem to fudge everything that i put my hands to do? My plans never work out right.... what does that mean?

Well, my friend, lets look at Proverbs 3:11,12- " My son do not despise the Lord's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in."

Have you ever written a paper, or been given an assignment and your parents or teachers have edited it? This is the same exapmle Solomon highlights in verse 11 and 12. Sometimes, we do the best we can, but it may not be the BEST WE CAN DO. God has a way of LOVINGLY (it may not feel like it), putting us in positions that test our character. It is when your are backed up against the wall sometimes that we are the MOST HONEST with ourselves. We become disillusioned to all the Foolishness that is in our lives and we understand that if it wasn't for the GRACE of God we wouldn't even made it this far.

That is God's way of disciplining us, this is because he loves us that he wants us to recognize how much HE NEEDS us and HE WANTS us to trust him. And if you look at God's track record, that's not a bad option. Time after time, the bible tells us how God has miracoulsly showed up and showed out for those who cried out to him. Its like He can't resist it.. It's like HE NEEDS it, its like HE YEARNS for it. It's like HE DELIGHTS in bringing hope to the hopeless and care for the abused. God Loves giving us safety and peace. From all the examples in the Bible, and in your life as a christian, you can conclude that is his NATURE.

So, why DONT we trust him. Why don't we acknowledge him before every decision? Cause we're stupid. And that's ok. lol. Honestly, its because we are so accustomed to being selfish and trying to think for ourselves. But the more we push God out, the more He will remind us, that His plans are the Best option. It may take a while, but more often than Not, we come back to God when it all begins to work out and say,

"Lord, You are awesome and Amazing! Thank you For protecting me when I didn't know the difference. For giving me Grace when I didn't deserve it."

We are amazed at how much the Lord provided for us, especially when we didn't even know our own need.

So, Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived says this.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, Lean not on your Own understanding, but in ALL your ways, Acknowledge Him, and HE will set your paths straight".

Since God has promised you an abundance of Grace and Blessings, why not invest in him on the front end. Why wait till AFTER you go through the STORM or TRIBULATION?

That's some pretty good logic and wisdom.

Do it now. Stand Firm in Faith. God's returns are 100% Guaranteed. Its the best INVESTMENT AROUND.

I promise you, your day will not be the same. :)


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