Monday, January 25, 2010

A Father's Love

Today I received a letter from my Father that touched me so much I cried. And I'm still actually crying because my dad gave me the encouragement that I So needed for so long. Things for me have been so rough for so long I can't even explain how much I hurt inside. He sent me this card pictured below and when I read it, it was exactly what I needed. We actually fought on the phone yesterday and he didn't even mention he had sent the card and money. We were both hurt so I guess we didn't get to it. Today, when i received the card I was speechless and tears flowed from my eyes like they never have before in years. Word can't express how Grateful I am for my Father's love.

Thank you Dad. I love you. You have made things so much better. I so need to rest in somebody's arms. I'm so tired.


1 comment:

DaddyClaxton said...

daddyThanks for sharing. I hope you two can mend whatever fence you were arguing over the other day. And thanks for being willing to put it all out there. Not everyone would do that.