Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How to get to Heaven

I decided to split the to posts up after writing so much on the topic of Hell. I feel like it is wasted energy because even though people need to know the truth, Heaven is so MUCH more of an interesting topic.. Plus its easier to get to heaven than it is to Hell..I'll prove it to you.

How do i Get to Heaven?

Simple. Matthew 6:33 says, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and everything shall be added unto you"

How do i seek Him?

Also simple. Jeremiah 29:12 says, "You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart"

This is a call that says, if you make God your 1st priority and throw all of worldly things that the devil wants you to hold on too, you will make room for God to prepare you for Heaven.

I'm going to end with a passage found in Matthew 24:43


vs. 45 " The way to be ready is to keep putting God first in your life, like the faithful and wise servant who keeps feeding the master's family at the proper times. When his master returns, that servant will be blessed because he was found doing his master's work. He will promote his loyal servant and entrust him with everything he owns. People who did not put God first will be like the unfaithful servant whose behavior demonstrated his belief that this master would not return for a long time. He took advantage of his position, abusing his fellow servants and spending most of this time living it up. but his master came back unexpectantly and surprised him. he relieved him of all his responsibilities and publicly stated why his servant had been dismissed. The servant's remorse was beyond words."

The truth is this.. those who believe that God is coming back: continue to prepare your hearts, body and mind for him. They error and the path to Hell does not lay in God's delay. It lays in His people forgetting that He is coming back.

Seek, yearn, and prepare for the Kingdom, and you will be ready.

Each day is anew. As early as possible, everyday, turn to the word, remind your self of the promise, repent, ask for forgiveness, and this day, if it shall be your last, you will be in paradise.

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